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Blepharoplasty in High Point, NC

eyelid surgery in High Point, NCAging and genetics can leave loose skin, wrinkles, and fat deposits around the eyes, making them look puffy or tired. Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) in High Point, North Carolina, is a surgical procedure that rejuvenates the eyes by adjusting the eyelids and surrounding tissues. Through the process of removing excess skin and fat and tightening the remaining tissues around the eyes, blepharoplasty helps individuals regain a refreshed appearance.


Am I a Candidate for Eyelid Surgery?

Ideal candidates for blepharoplasty are in good health and have realistic expectations about their results. Patients with excess eyelid skin and deposits of under eye fat that contribute to a puffy appearance are likely candidates. You may benefit from eyelid surgery if you identify with one or more of the following problems:

  • Excess skin that obscures the natural folds of your upper eyelids
  • Loose skin that impairs your vision
  • A puffy eye appearance that creates a tired or sad expression
  • Lower eyelid wrinkles
  • Bags of lower eyelids

How Is Blepharoplasty Performed?

Eyelid surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure using general anesthesia or IV sedation. The surgery typically lasts between one and two hours depending on the extent of correction required to achieve your ideal results. During eyelid surgery, excess tissue is removed, and the fat may be repositioned to improve puffiness or lost volume. Patients may have their upper eyelids corrected, their lower eyelids corrected, or a combination of both.

What Is an Upper Eyelid Lift?

An upper eyelid lift treats excess skin along the upper lid. An incision is placed in the natural crease of the upper lid. In some cases, fat may be removed or redistributed around the upper eye. It is important that not too much fat is removed from around the eye because this can create a hollow eyelid appearance.

What Is a Lower Eyelid Lift?

A lower eyelid lift treats prominent fat pockets and excess skin in the lower eyelid. Fat can be released from the lower eyelid and repositioned to reduce puffiness or restore volume as needed. Patients who require excess skin to be removed will need an incision just below the waterline of the lower lid. Through this incision, excess skin is trimmed away.

Should I Combine Facial Procedures?

Many factors cause facial aging. Patients who have problems around their eyes will also find that they have drooping brows. If left untreated, heavy brows can hang down and obscure your vision. A brow lift may be combined with your blepharoplasty to provide the best results possible. Some patients may also choose to combine a facelift with their blepharoplasty for total facial rejuvenation.

What Is My Blepharoplasty Recovery Like?

You will experience bruising and swelling around the eye. There may be some discomfort that lasts for several days, but it is controlled using pain medication. You can go back to work after one to two weeks and resume all regular physical activities after four weeks. Your final results should become noticeable after six weeks, once your swelling has subsided.

How Long Will Eyelid Surgery Last?

The results from your blepharoplasty should erase years from your appearance and help you look younger for longer. However, it cannot prevent the natural aging process and changes to your upper facial appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions About Blepharoplasty

Will eyelid surgery fix my peripheral vision?

Blepharoplasty can reduce the appearance of bags under the eyes and help fix droopy eyes. For some patients, their droopy eyes are so prominent that it impacts vision and causes peripheral vision loss. The blepharoplasty procedure will remove the excess fat and tighten the skin, so your eyes are less droopy. This can significantly help reduce or fix peripheral vision problems. However, blepharoplasty cannot fix eye problems such as glaucoma, occlusions, detached retina, or compression of the optic nerve. For these issues, make sure to schedule a consultation with your eye doctor.

Who is not a good candidate for blepharoplasty?

Individuals with severe eye issues, such as dry eyes or glaucoma, may not be eligible for the procedure. Additionally, thyroid disease and uncontrolled high blood pressure are concerns that may hinder your candidacy for blepharoplasty. Ultimately, your plastic surgeon will review your medical history and approve or deny the surgery for you.

What age should I get blepharoplasty?

Eyelid surgery ultimately fixes wrinkles, fat deposits, and droopy skin around the eyes. These problems typically occur when an individual is older, but some young people are prone to developing them. As a result, there is no “correct” age when a patient should get blepharoplasty. This is an appropriate procedure when you feel you have eyelid issues that need fixing.

How should I prepare for my blepharoplasty?

Before the procedure, your surgeon will provide you with specific preparative instructions. These directions may vary slightly for individuals, depending on medical history. In general, some of the preparation steps for before blepharoplasty are:

  • Stop smoking at least a month before your surgery. Smoking can negatively impact your ability to heal after surgery.
  • Stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, naproxen, warfarin, and any other medication or supplements associated with increased bleeding. Your doctor will recommend how far out before your surgery you need to stop taking these medications. At the time of your surgery, you should only be taking medications your plastic surgeon approved of.
  • Arrange for a drop off and pick up from the surgery. You should have someone spend the first night with you after coming home from surgery.

How long does the blepharoplasty procedure take?

The surgery typically takes two hours or less, but it can take longer for some patients. You can ask your plastic surgeon how long they expect the procedure to take.

Is blepharoplasty performed on an outpatient basis?

Usually, blepharoplasty is performed on an outpatient basis. You have a choice regarding general anesthesia, IV sedation, or sedation with pills. Therefore, patients need to have an individual drive them home after the surgery.

Is blepharoplasty covered by health insurance?

Health insurance commonly only covers “medically necessary” procedures. If your surgery is to resolve blocked vision, there may be a chance of it being covered by health insurance. You can contact your health insurance provider to find out more answers about your eligibility for coverage. A Visual Field Test is required to show that your upper eyelid skin is obstructing your vision. We can help you get an appointment with an Optometrist or Ophthalmologist to get this accomplished. Additionally, Care Credit® or other financing options for patients who require assistance with their blepharoplasty cost are options.

Are blepharoplasty results permanent?

Most patients report feeling very happy with their results and see long-lasting improvement. However, it should be noted as the patient continues to age, some of the previous issues that blepharoplasty fixed may come back.