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Breast Lift in High Point, North Carolina

Woman in a gray bra and white button up shirt

As a woman goes through life, various changes affect her appearance. Due to aging, pregnancy, and weight fluctuations, a woman’s breasts can become droopy and deflated. Fortunately, sagging and shapeless breasts can be rejuvenated through breast lift surgery. A breast lift, also called mastopexy, is a surgical procedure that raises and reshapes sagging breasts to restore a more feminine, alluring, and youthful figure.

Am I a Candidate for Breast Lift Surgery?

If you have mild to severe ptosis (sagging) of the breasts, then a breast lift can help. The grade of ptosis will determine the technique used during your procedure. If you are unhappy with your breast size, a combined breast lift and augmentation can give you the shape you desire.

How Is a Breast Lift Performed?

Breast lift surgery is an outpatient procedure that is typically performed in one to three hours. Most patients are under general anesthesia for the procedure, but other sedation techniques may be used if needed. All aspects of your breast lift are tailored to your body and your desires.

Incision Options

  • Donut: Places a circular incision around each areola
    • Removes a doughnut-shaped area of tissue from around each areola
    • Scarring blends with the edge of the areolas
    • Elevates the nipple-areolar complexes, if needed
    • Best for women who have mild breast sagging and/or minor nipple asymmetry
  • Lollipop: Places a circular incision around each areola that extends down to the breast crease
    • Removes excess breast tissue from around the areolas and the underside of each breast
    • Elevates the nipple-areolar complexes
    • Resizes overstretched areolas
    • Improves breast shape and firmness
    • Best for women who have moderate breast sagging and overly stretched areolas
  • Anchor: Combines a vertical lift incision with an additional incision along the breast crease
    • Removes excess breast tissue from around the areolas and the underside of each breast
    • Elevates the nipple-areolar complexes
    • Resizes overstretched areolas
    • Significantly improves breast shape and firmness
    • Best for women who have severely sagging, pendulous, and/or misshapen breasts

What Can I Expect From My Breast Lift Recovery?

You will experience some bruising and swelling following your breast lift. We offer patients the option to stay the night at the Comfort Cottage, with a nurse available for assistance. Most patients can return to work within two weeks and participate in regular exercise after six weeks. You should avoid applying significant pressure to your breasts for six weeks, and most major swelling should subside within six weeks.

What Are the Risks and When Will I See My Breast Lift Results?

Breast lift surgery, like all surgeries, does pose some minor risks, including infection, hematoma, changes in breast sensitivity, and scarring. However, once your initial recovery period is over, your risk of future complications is very low. Your breast lift procedure should provide you with beautiful results. While it does provide long-lasting support to the breasts, your tissue is subject to the effects of aging, gravity, weight fluctuation, and future pregnancies.

What Are Frequently Asked Questions About Breast

Do I need a breast lift or a breast reduction?

It can be challenging to determine whether or not you require a breast lift or a breast reduction (as most breast reductions include a breast lift). Breast lift surgery tightens and elevates the breast tissues to restores youthful, perky breasts. Breast reduction surgery removes excess tissue and fat that is contributing to overly large breasts.

Should I combine my breast lift with a breast augmentation?

Women who desire breast augmentation after pregnancy may benefit from a breast augmentation combined with a breast lift. Pregnancy often causes the breasts to deflate (lose volume) and sag, and both breast augmentation and breast lift are required to address these concerns.

Will I need a breast lift if I choose to remove my implants?

Breast lift surgery is a common combination with breast revision surgery when the implants are removed permanently. Permanently removing large or long-standing implants often leads to premature breast sagging, which can only be addressed with a breast lift.

Will I be able to breastfeed after breast lift surgery?

While many women turn to breast lift surgery after having finished having their children, others choose this procedure to address the laxity after weight loss. While a breast lift can impede a woman’s ability to breastfeed, it does not necessarily eliminate her ability. Many women are still able to breastfeed (either fully or partially) after breast lift surgery.

How can I reduce scarring after a breast lift?

Scarring along the incision sites is common after breast lift surgery. While this cannot be avoided, many women find comfort in the fact that this scarring can be hidden beneath bras and bathing suits. Scarring can be minimized with topical scar creams or silicone strips, and all scars will fade with time.  

How much does breast lift surgery cost in North Carolina?

The breast lift is a complicated surgical procedure that requires skill and experience. These aspects will be factored into the final cost of your breast lift. Additional factors include anesthesia, facility fees, pre-surgical tests, post-surgical dressings, and the price of any combined surgical procedures (such as breast augmentation, breast revision, breast reduction, or liposuction).

Will a breast lift be permanent?

Breast lift surgery restores youthfulness to the breasts; however, it cannot stop the natural aging process. Women will eventually develop additional breast laxity, but it will also be less than if she did not have the surgery.