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Thigh Lift in High Point, NC

It is very common for men and women to develop loose or saggy skin around the inner area of the thighs as a result of weight loss or the natural aging process.

Thigh lift surgery in High Point, NC is specifically designed to improve the overall shape and appearance of the thighs and lower body. It will not only treat excess skin and fat, but it will also reshape the appearance of your thighs to create a smoother and more firm appearance.
Woman in heels with nice legs

Am I a Candidate for Thigh Lift Surgery?

Our High Point, NC Thigh lift surgery is ideal for patients who are in good health and relatively good shape. Patients who frequently smoke or suffer from excessive weight may not be good candidates for this procedure, as it may impair their healing or increase the risk of surgery. Patient’s seeking to undergo this procedure can treat one or more of the following:

  • Excess fat
  • Saggy skin
  • Disproportionate thighs
  • Lack of elasticity


What Techniques Are Used for Thigh Lift Surgery?

Your thigh lift procedure, which is typically performed on an outpatient basis, may vary based on the extent of time from the procedures.

Once you have talked through the steps of the procedure with your surgeon, general anesthesia will be administered. An incision will then be made either around the groin or extended down to the knee, depending on the area that needs to be corrected. Liposuction can be combined with your thigh lift procedure, if necessary. After excess fat and skin are removed, sutures will be used to close the incisions. Other body procedures we offer besides thigh lift are Tummy Tuck, Arm Lift, labiaplasty and more. Dr. Willard will explain all the procedures and recommend the ones you could benefit from besides thigh lift

If you wish to receive further care and treatment after your surgery, you can request to spend the night at the Comfort Cottage, where a nurse will be available to help you.

What Is the Recovery From Thigh Lift Like?

You may return to work and light physical activity within a few weeks. Heavy lifting and vigorous workouts must be avoided at all times during your recovery period. Be sure to apply sunscreen when going outside to help minimize the appearance of scars.

What Results Can I Expect After My Thigh Lift?

Although it may take a few months for your full results to set in, you can expect to see improvements almost immediately after your thigh lift procedure. Thigh lift surgery is not only long lasting, but it will improve the appearance and tone of your legs for years to come, as long as you maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

What Are the Risks of a Thigh Lift?

You may experience some numbness, bruising, swelling, and discomfort for a short period of time. Incision lines made to the thigh will take about one year or more to fade.

As with most procedures, there are a few minor risks associated with thigh lift surgery, including:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Delayed or poor healing
  • Skin loss
  • Blood clots
  • Widened scars
  • Numbness
  • Changes in skin sensation
  • Irregular or asymmetric contours scars

Dr. Willard will also discuss any possible risks or side effects that may be associated with anesthesia during your consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Thigh Lift Surgery

What can I expect from my initial thigh lift consultation?
During your first consultation with Dr. Willard, he will perform a physical examination to ensure you are the right candidate for thigh lift surgery. Once he confirms you are a candidate, you will have the opportunity to discuss your goals for the procedure so that he can create a personalized surgical plan. At this time, you should plan to ask any questions you may have about the surgery, preparation, or your expected recovery.

How can I prepare for my thigh lift?
To prepare for your thigh lift, you should avoid smoking and taking anti-inflammatory medications as they can thin the blood, increasing your risk of complications before and after surgery. Please plan to take adequate time off work and other responsibilities to properly recover.

How much does thigh lift surgery cost? 
Thigh lift surgery cost varies between patients depending on their specific needs and goals for the surgery. The cost of a thigh lift is based on surgeon fees, anesthesia fees, the specific techniques used, and the procedure’s location. A consultation with Dr. Willard will help you determine a more specific financial estimate.

Why should I choose Piedmont Plastic Surgery for my thigh lift? 
Dr. Willard and his team ensure every procedure will be uniquely tailored to provide their patients the positive results. During the consultation, all patients will receive specific guidance and information based on their personal and desired outcomes.

Can I combine my thigh lift with any other procedures? 
Many patients wish to combine their thigh lift with other body contouring procedures to help them achieve their ideal appearance. Procedures that are commonly combined with a thigh lift include:

How long does a thigh lift take to perform? 
The length of your thigh lift will depend on the specific surgical techniques used and if any other procedures are being performed simultaneously. However, thigh lifts are generally performed in two to three hours.

Can I drive home after my thigh lift? 
No, you cannot drive yourself home after your thigh lift. Thigh lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia, so you will need to bring someone with you to drive you home. We suggest having this person stay with you overnight to help with all necessary activities and household chores.


Dr. Willard and his team ensure every procedure will be uniquely tailored to provide their patients the positive results. During your consultation, all patients will receive specific guidance and information based on your personal and desired outcomes.