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Liposuction in High Point, NC

liposuction in High Point NC

Even with proper diet and exercise, stubborn pockets of fat can remain in various areas of your body, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, and under the chin. It can be disheartening when you are doing everything right but still cannot achieve the fit appearance you desire.

Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure designed to eliminate these fat pockets. Piedmont Plastic Surgery offers multiple liposuction options in High Point, North Carolina, for individuals who want to improve their physique with smoother, more defined contours.

These liposuction procedures are performed by our well-respected and board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Virgil Willard.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a fat reduction procedure that uses a medical vacuum device to remove fat cells through suction. It is versatile in treating almost any body part and far less invasive than tummy tuck surgery.

Am I an Ideal Candidate for Liposuction?

Although liposuction removes unwanted fat pockets around the body, it is not a weight-loss surgery or an alternative to a healthy lifestyle. Liposuction works best on patients at or near their ideal weight and those who will be diligent in maintaining their results.

During your consultation with Dr. Willard, he may perform a physical examination to determine if liposuction surgery is right for you. He will assess your needs and goals for the procedure and create a personalized surgical plan. Ideal candidates for liposuction surgery do not smoke, are in generally good health, have good skin elasticity, and have realistic expectations of their results.

Dr. Willard will also help you determine which areas of your body should be treated with liposuction to provide optimal results. Common areas for liposuction treatment include:

  • Abdomen
  • Chest (for men with gynecomastia)
  • Thighs
  • Hips
  • Back
  • Arms
  • Buttocks
  • Neck/Chin

What Are My Liposuction Options?

Dr. Willard offers the following liposuction techniques:

  • Tumescent liposuction is the most common liposuction technique. A tumescent fluid is injected into the treatment areas to break up the fat deposits before inserting the cannula, making them easier to remove.
  • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction uses ultrasound energy to liquefy fat deposits before removal. This technique is used to minimize bruising and swelling and is beneficial for those with poor skin laxity.
  • Liposuction with a local anesthetic is an option for patients not needing extensive treatment and can significantly reduce the time and intensity of recovery.

How Is Liposuction Performed?


The type of anesthesia used for liposuction varies between patients based on the severity of the correction needed. Liposuction is typically performed under general anesthesia or IV sedation and a local anesthetic to ensure your comfort and safety throughout the procedure.

However, some patients do not feel comfortable being sedated. In this case, liposuction can sometimes be performed using Pro-Nox™, a form of nitrous oxide (laughing gas). Dr. Willard has completed over 500 procedures using this technique.

Speak with Dr. Willard during your consultation if you have concerns regarding the type of anesthesia used for your surgery.


Small incisions are made on or adjacent to the areas of your body being treated with liposuction, so some minor scarring is expected. However, the incisions are extremely small, and the resulting scars fade over time and are often undetectable.

The Liposuction Process

Liposuction works by inserting a small, thin tube, called a cannula, into the treatment areas. The existing fat is liquefied for easier removal, and the cannula is connected to a medical vacuum device to suction the fat from your body.

Should I Combine Liposuction With Another Cosmetic Procedure?

Liposuction is a popular treatment and is often combined with other surgical or non-surgical procedures. A customized Mommy Makeover often includes a combination of liposuction and breast implant placement or a breast lift.

Other surgical procedures that can be combined with liposuction include:

Dr. Willard may recommend liposuction before or after a non-surgical cellulite treatment with Cellfina®.

How Much Is Liposuction in High Point, NC?

The cost of liposuction varies between patients depending on the number and size of the treatment areas, the amount of correction needed, and surgical techniques used. The price also depends on surgeon fees, anesthesia fees, and the location of the procedure. To receive a detailed financial estimate based on your needs and goals for liposuction, schedule a consultation with Dr. Willard.

How Should I Prepare for Liposuction?

The following tips will help you be prepared for your liposuction procedure and recovery period:

  • Be as close to your ideal weight as possible. This way, Dr. Willard can better target the most stubborn pockets of fat.
  • Work on building muscle to achieve the best results.
  • Stop smoking or using any nicotine products, as it can increase the risk of complications.
  • Avoid taking aspirin, NSAIDs, and any medicines or supplements that may increase bleeding.
  • Prepare your recovery space — make sure your recovery area is comfortable and follow these guidelines:
    • Buy easy-to-prepare foods or pre-cooked meals.
    • Choose some comfortable clothes and have them easily accessible.
    • Purchase extra-long charging cords for your most-used electronic devices
    • Arrange for household help for the first day or two.
    • Place any items you need within arm’s reach of your recovery space.
  • Eat a healthy diet to improve skin elasticity and help maximize healing, especially foods high in water and antioxidants such as:
  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Healthy oils like olive, grapeseed, and walnut
  • Berries (the darker, the better)
  • Squashes (including zucchini and pumpkin)
  • Cinnamon

Also, make sure you are drinking plenty of water.

What Do I Need to Bring to My Consultation?

You should arrive for your liposuction consultation well-prepared, and feel free to bring a loved one with you for emotional support. Also, you are bound to have questions. Write them down and bring the list with you, so you don’t forget to ask about them.

Bring a list of any medications you are taking and discuss these with Dr. Willard. Include both prescribed medications and vitamins or herbal supplements.

When Should I Quit Smoking Before Liposuction?

Aim to quit smoking at least two weeks before your liposuction procedure. If you plan to start smoking afterward, wait until two or three weeks following your procedure to avoid prolonging or interfering with healing.

Better yet, use this opportunity to give up smoking for good.

Cannabis users, you will also need to quit, as cannabis can increase the effects of anesthesia and put you at more risk of experiencing anesthesia-related complications.

Are There any Supplements I Can Take Before Liposuction to Help Reduce Side Effects Such as Bruising and Swelling?

Arnica and bromelain are often recommended as they can help with recovery.

What Should I Bring to the Surgery Center on the Day of My Liposuction Procedure?

Arrive at the center wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothes. Bring any pain medications you are taking and a pillow to ensure you have a comfortable ride home. You may also bring slippers with you to wear after your procedure.

Remember to have your compression garment with you if you purchased it yourself or if our surgeon previously provided it. If Dr. Willard advised you that a compression garment would be provided after liposuction, confirm that you don’t need to bring one. During this conversation, you may also ask for further recommendations about any items you should bring with you to the surgery center.

Unless you receive non-surgical liposuction, or a local anesthetic only, you should also bring a responsible adult to drive you home.

What Can I Do to Ease My Fears Before My Procedure?

It’s completely normal to feel anxious before having liposuction. Try to relax the evening before by having a relaxing bath and getting a good night’s sleep. Just prior to your procedure, quiet your mind and take deep, measured breaths to help calm your nerves.

How Long Is My Liposuction Recovery?

After your liposuction procedure, you may experience pain, discomfort, swelling, and bruising. This is normal and will subside after a few days. You may take over-the-counter or prescription pain medication to help combat discomfort throughout your recovery.

Your compression garment must be worn at all times (except in the shower) to minimize swelling and promote circulation.

Many liposuction patients can return to work and other essential obligations after a few days and resume exercise after six weeks.

Non-surgical body contouring or fat reduction requires no downtime.

Will My Liposuction Results Be Permanent?

The results of liposuction surgery typically start to show immediately. However, your full results will begin to show once bruising and swelling have subsided. The fat cells removed will not grow back, but subsequent weight gain will impact your outcome.

If you are undergoing a non-surgical liposuction technique, you may need more than one session to see optimal results.

How Much Does Liposuction Surgery Cost in High Point, NC?

The cost of liposuction will vary considerably depending on the areas being treated, your location, and the expertise of your surgeon. Dr. Willard is committed to providing affordable cosmetic solutions for his patients and will provide an accurate quote at your consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Liposuction

Is liposuction dangerous?

Liposuction is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures performed and is generally safe. However, with all surgery, risks are present. These risks include:

  • Numbness
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Anesthesia risks
  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Unfavorable scarring

Does insurance cover liposuction?

Liposuction is considered an elective cosmetic procedure and is not covered by health insurance carriers.

How do I choose a plastic surgeon for my procedure?

No matter what surgical cosmetic treatment you are considering, it’s always best to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon who is reputable and experienced.

Interested in Liposuction in High Point, NC?

If you are interested in learning more about liposuction in the High Point area, the team at Piedmont Plastic Surgery will be happy to help. Please call our office at 336-886-1667 or scroll down to contact us online.