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See Our Current Liposuction Special—Buy 3 Areas, Get the 4th Free!

4 Minute Read: 

Piedmont Plastic Surgery Specials:

  • Liposuction buy three areas ge the fourth area free special continued through 02/25/2021
  • Neurotoxin Express Day – February 17,2021
  • Botox $11/unit
  • Xeomin $10/unit

Slim woman in white underwear with liposuction lines drawn on abdomen.

We have a lot of interest in liposuction. Dr. Willard has performed over 1,000 cases of liposuction. This surgery is a great way to get rid of unwanted fat and can have several options. 

Here we cover some of the most frequently asked questions.

1. How Much Does It Cost? 

This is variable and customized to what the patient needs/wants to have done. Liposuction is priced on areas. One area, such as the stomach, may cost around $3300 up to $4200 depending on how the surgery is performed. Another variable is anesthesia—general anesthesia will cost more than having sedation by mouth(pills). Dr. Willard has this discussion with you at the time of a consultation.

2. Do I Have to Have a Consultation? How Much Does It Cost? 

Yes, an in-person consultation is necessary prior to any surgery. The cost for a cosmetic consultation is $50. This fee is credited to your surgical quote when you have the surgery. The consult fee is requested to be prepaid to confirm your consultation time. Changes can be made to the date/time. Cancellations must be made 2 business days prior to the scheduled consult for a refund of consult fee.

3. What Happens at a Consult? 

You meet with one of our nurses and Dr. Willard. A review of current medications and medical history is taken. Discuss area(s) of concern. Physical exam is conducted. Discuss options for surgery, risks, recovery, and pre and post operative protocols are discussed. Consult time in the office is usually 45 to 60 minutes.

4. How Do I Schedule Surgery? 

Once you have a consultation, you will receive a written quote for surgical costs. This quote includes Dr. Willard’s fee, facility fee, anesthesia(if general), and recovery. To schedule a surgery we require a 10% non refundable deposit to be put on Dr. Willard’s surgical schedule. At the time of scheduling the surgical date, we then schedule your Pre-Operative visit(H&P) approximately 2 weeks prior to surgery. This visit will cover your pre-operative instructions, necessary prescriptions sent to the pharmacy you provide information about, and the remaining balance of your surgical quote is due at this visit.

5. Can I Have Nonsurgical Fat Removal and Get the Same Result? 

No. There are several nonsurgical fat removal procedures out there, CoolSculpting®, SculpSure®, etc. These procedures can possibly provide an average of 20% reduction in a localized fat pocket. Meaning some people may get more than that and some less or none. Liposuction techniques Dr. Willard uses provide patients with 80- 90% reduction of an area of fat. 

Nonsurgical packages for treatment can cost several thousand dollars so do your homework to compare the cost of nonsurgical vs liposuction and the possible results of each. Dr. Willard has the experience to have that discussion with you. 

6. Can I Have Liposuction if I Have Had CoolSculpting®? 

Yes, you need to tell us if you have had nonsurgical treatment for fat reduction as this can have an effect on the fat itself and specific techniques for removal may be needed. Dr. Willard has treated patients with prior CoolSculpting® treatment and can advise you on what can be done.

7. Does Dr. Willard Perform Fat Transfer? 

Yes. Liposuctioned fat can be transferred to another area at the time of surgery. Specialized techniques are used to transfer fat from unwanted areas to wanted areas. Frequent areas to transfer fat is to the buttocks, hips, face, hands.

8. What Are My Options for Anesthesia? 

General anesthesia is offered at our office AAAHC Operating Suite or “awake” liposuction is offered with prescription with mouth pills to relax and make you comfortable. We also have Pro-Nox(laughing gas) therapy to use for comfort. Dr. Willard can have the discussion with you about the pros and cons for each.

9. Does the Fat Come Back? 

No. At puberty, we make all the fat cells we are going to have. These either enlarge or shrink as you gain or lose weight. However, any area liposuctioned has some fat present when Dr. Willard is done. You would be deformed if some fat is not present between the skin and muscle. So, this fat can enlarge, but will not do so if your weight remains stable.

Interested in Learning More?

Please let us know of any questions you have. If you would like to schedule a consultation, please call 336-886-1667 for available appointments and registration.